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Unlock the full potential of your business with our WorkFlow Automation Consultation. From analysis to implementation, our experts guide you through the process of streamlining your operations for maximum efficiency and growth. Let's transform your workflow together.


We start by understanding your current processes, identifying bottlenecks, and pinpointing areas ripe for automation.


Crafting a streamlined workflow that incorporates the best of automation tech, we ensure your business operations are seamless and efficient.

1. Workflow Automation Consultation

2. Software Integration


Case Study 1

Docusign automation Workflow
  1. When a potential customer signs a contract via Docusign, the information is pulled and passed to a database where the customer name and geographical information is paired with the contract total and a unique order id.

  2. Additionally, entries related to each are created in Trello, Slack, and Quickbooks.

Refer to the workflow chart to the left for a detailed visual of how our Docusign automation streamlines data integration across Trello, Slack, and QuickBooks, ensuring seamless transitions from sales to fulfillment.

Previously, all of these had to be created manually across all platforms and required multiple dedicated positions for tracking and updating customer details across the system, with recurring cases of discrepancies or things being forgotten.

This workflow is one of several that unified the system and resulted in a much smoother bridge between the sales and fulfillment stages of the project

1. Envelope Status Updated in DocuSign

2. Only Continue If...

3. Format DocuSign Completion Date/Time

4. Format DocuSign Completion Date/Time with...

5. Numbers in Formatter by Zapier

6. Format Phone Number

7. Update Contract Sheet

8. Update Mirrored Sheet

9. Find Previous Cell

10. Update Order Number Cell

11. Add Order Number to Contract Sheet

12. Find User by Name in Slack

13. Text Format (Slack)

14. Create Channel in Slack

15. Send Channel Message in Slack

16. Roof Manufacturer Warranty Format

17. Gutter Checkboxes Format

18. Text Format (Trello)

19. Create Card in Trello

20. Create Customer in QuickBooks Online

21. Add Slack and Trello to Mirrored Sheet

22. POST in Webhooks by Zapier

3. Ongoing Support and Optimization

Experience continuous growth with our Ongoing Support and Optimization services. From fine-tuning to scaling alongside your business, we ensure seamless evolution and support. Let's grow together, every step of the way!


Our job isn't done at implementation. We stay with you, fine-tuning and optimizing to keep up with your evolving business needs.


As your business scales, so do our solutions. We adjust workflows and integrate new tools to ensure your growth is supported.

Optimize your workflow with our Software Integration services. From custom solutions to connecting your favorite tools, we ensure seamless operations for your business. Let's integrate and innovate together


If there isn't a tool that fits the bill, we're on it. We develop custom solutions to ensure your business machinery works without a hitch.


Break down silos within your business by integrating your favorite tools, whether it's Zapier, Salesforce, or niche industry software.

Streamline Your Processes

Tailored Automation Solutions

Boost Efficiency and Growth

Our Service Pillars





Custom Automation Solutions Tailored to Your Business Needs

At Flow Genius, we understand that every business is unique. That's why we don't offer one-size-fits-all solutions. Our services are custom-designed to match the intricacies of your operations and address your specific challenges.

Ready to harness the power of smart automation and witness your business's transformation? Let's talk solutions. 

Why Choose Flow Genius?

Industry Expertise

Our team brings a wealth of knowledge across various sectors, ensuring industry best practices are infused in every solution.


We're not just workflow experts, we're tech enthusiasts. We leverage the latest in automation technology to keep you ahead of the curve.


We measure our success by the impact on your bottom line. Our solutions are designed to drive efficiency, reduce costs, and boost productivity.

Real-Life Automation Success Stories

Explore how businesses have revolutionized their operations with our automation solutions. These case studies demonstrate the transformative power of tailored automation, from enhancing customer experiences to streamlining internal processes. Discover how Flow Genius can help your business achieve similar efficiency and growth.


Case Study 3

Customer Sentiment Analyzer
  1. Created a sentiment analyzer that automatically listens to and determines the purpose and sentiment of every completed or missed call from a customer to the client's service department.
  2. If sentiment is determined to be negative, key managers are texted the contents of the call/message so that they can get an immediate notice to take action.

See the workflow to the left for a detailed visual of how our Customer Sentiment Analyzer improves response times and enhances customer satisfaction.

Previously the system relied on persons manually dispatching such issues, and the end recipients working through their backlog of tickets.

This system cut the average response time for customer issues in half, and resulted in a +60% decrease in instances of customers complaining of no/slow follow-up from the company in subsequent surveys.

1. Develop and integrate sentiment analysis algorithm

2. Configure system for automated analysis.

3. Establish criteria for negative sentiment detection.

4. Implement automated analysis for each call

5. Design text alert system for negative sentiments

6. Integrate with manager notification process

7. Define immediate action plans for managers

8. Train managers on system use and response protocols

9. Track response times and outcomes

10. Review and refine system based on data

11. Iterate on algorithms and protocols for optimization

12. Incorporate feedback for ongoing enhancement


Case Study 2

Jotform to Salesforce Connector
  1. When a lead or existing customer submits a Jotform for the company's product, the file is automatically uploaded to Google Drive.

  2. From this point, a custom script pulls the names and underlying IDs of each file and loops through them, locating the relevant lead or opportunity in the client's CRM and uploading the attachments to that entity once it is located.

See the workflow chart to the left for a detailed visual of how our Jotform to Salesforce Connector automates file handling and CRM updates, saving significant time and improving efficiency.

Estimated time savings is 1-2 hours per day, as previously attachments had to be manually downloaded and re-uploaded to Salesforce.

A similar automation was set up for incoming emails from customers, which would automatically update their profiles with photos/videos submitted to the customer support email for the entire organization to access as needed.

1. New Submission in Jotform

2. Find Lead in SalesForce

3. Find Account in SalesForce

4. Obtain File List From Google Drive

5. Paths

If account not found

6. Path Rules

7. Create Lead in SalesForce withLead Only

8. Send SMS in SMS by Zapier

9. Create Loop From Text in Looping by Zapier

10. Find a Folder in Google Drive

11. Find a File in Google Drive

12. Create File in SalesForce

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